We want update you on the situation regarding the Village Ground. We have been in consultation with Insurance Companies to get an acceptable offer, their initial offers/ proposals were rejected by ourselves and that is why it has taken so long. After many pro-longed meetings/e mails and even old-fashioned telephone calls then we have now reached an agreement with both insurance companies. In round numbers then the club will receive approx. £155k (approx. as we just need to sort the excess from the 3 claims).
The development planning will now begin to secure the future of Billingham Juniors and our home ground. We have had initial consultation with The Football Foundation, Durham County FA and a Facility Developer. The club is pulling together ideas and a wish list of the important things we need to run the site whilst ensuring the full site is improved.
We will need to raise a considerable amount money as our part of the project funding, the insurance monies along with the "Go-Fund Me" monies will give us a good start, we are expecting that we will need to raise 1/3rd of overall costing.
If you have further questions or thoughts then please don’t hesitate to contact me (details below)
Thanks again and enjoy your summer.
Lee Shackleton
Billingham Juniors Chairman
07872 610893