We are thrilled to announce that Andy Finch has agreed to be our New Manager Mentor... a great addition to to clubs development section.
Andy has a wealth of knowledge and experience having been assistant coach of our current u16's. When it was announced that the 16's were not going to go to U18's Andy approached the club to say he wanted to stay involved.
A role we have always wanted to put in place was that of a Mentor for the new managers/ coaches coaching teams for the first time at U7.... to help with admin, the match day reporting app, training etc.
Andy has already settled in and today assisted Phil King in our new U7 squad in their first friendly.
John Swanson, club secretary, said "Andy staying with the club is fantastic news, the fact that he will work alongside our newest managers for their first season means his experience will allow the managers to find their feet and focus on the kids. We've had managers help out in the past, and this will always be the case in such a wonderful club but a dedicated Mentor is brilliant news.